HaoAir Tech 夹芯板系统

HaoAir Tech 夹芯板系统包含岩棉夹芯板, 纸蜂窝夹芯板, 铝蜂窝夹芯板, 聚氨酯(可以)夹芯板和岩棉玻璃镁夹芯板. 我们从宪法介绍他们, 在这些论文中的优点和应用.

Sandwich Panel System



Sandwich Panel System-Rockwool Sandwich Panel

Constitution: Double-deck sheet with rock wool filing

优点: Good fire performance,high noise and heat insulation performance.

应用: Products are widely applicable to the workshop, laboratory and various functional partition and ceiling of food, 制药, 电子产品, scientific, aerospace and medical industry.

Sandwich Panel System-Paper Honeycombs Sandwich Panel 1

Constitution: Double-deck sheet with paper honeycombs

优点: High noise and heat insulation performance,low weight,good straightness.

应用: Products are widely applicable to the workshop,laboratory and various functional partition and ceiling of food,制药,电子产品,scientific,aerospace and medical industry,especially suitable for high level of electronic production workshop.


Constitution: Double-deck sheet with aluminum honeycombs

优点: High fire performance, low weight, good straightness

应用: Products are widely applicable to the workshop, laboratory and various functional partition and ceiling of food, 制药, 电子产品, scientific, aerospace and medical industry, especially suitable for high level of electronic production workshop.


Constitution: Color-coated plate + 可以 + color-coated plate

优点: Good adiabaticity, low weight.

应用: Products are widely applicable to the workshop, laboratory and various functional partition and ceiling of food, 制药, 电子产品, scientific, aerospace and medical industry, especially suitable for high level of electronic production workshop.

Rock Wool Glass Magnesium Sandwich Panel

Constitution: Color-coated plate + 岩棉 + glass magnesium plate + color-coated plate,

优点: Good fire Performance, higher strength, high noise and heat insulation performance.

应用: Products are widely applicable to the workshop, laboratory and various functional partition and ceiling of food, 制药, 电子产品, scientific, aerospace and medical industry.

纸蜂窝夹芯板 2

Constitution: Color-coated plate + glass magnesium plate + Paper Honeycombs + glass magnesium plate + color-coated plate

优点: Good fire Performance, higher strength.

应用: Products are widely applicable to the workshop, laboratory and various functional partition and ceiling of food, 制药, 电子产品, scientific, aerospace and medical industry.
